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Comentarios (10)

Carmella - 16 Julio 20:40

Llámame y compartiremos un rato de lujuria con la máxima discreción y el mejor ambiente. Realizo desplazamientos a hoteles y domicilios. Estoy las 24

Greenaway - 26 Mayo 03:51

Durante los preparativos se organizaron donaciones para vestir y pertrechar a los soldados. Tras el brindis con vino mendocino por la patria y éxito del Cruce, San Martín comentó la necesidad de tener una bandera que identificara al Ejército de los Andes.

Casement - 3 Enero 11:13

Also, in your video you start with preference, finding one racial group more or less sexually attractive. Then you roll it over into having a racial bias against them because of stereotypes. It's a fallacious argument, as you are conflating the sexual preference with stereotypes and prejudice based on skin color. Does this make sense?

Jacquez - 21 Febrero 17:59

Dame 1 een heerlijk figuur. en dan plak ik die kop wel even af ze niet in beeld wilt zijn. Heb nog wel een leren kapje voor haar met 3 gaten erin.

Maratre - 6 Diciembre 15:40

One of the hottest vids I've seen.wifey is one sexy lady

Pasquale - 12 Septiembre 20:09

On Halloween last year, a man that had only been out of prison for a few months came to our school. He talked about how he has brain disease because he had sex and did drugs. He claimed that green stuff came out of his penis. He also would scream FAMILY at random and we had to say how are you? unanimously. It's become a bit of a running joke to this day at school. I don't think it was safe to bring him into a school nor was it effective in teaching us about sex.

Marguerita - 1 Augusto 23:01